среда, 11. март 2009.

Go Wild! Fitness: All-Terrain Workout

Keeping You in Shape for your Outdoor Adventures! Come explore wild and beautiful places in this extraordinary all-terrain workout—right from your living room! As Jenn splashes through a stream or bounds down a trail, exercisers at home follow along. The workout is 50-minutes and works your entire body. In the video, Jenn leads the home viewer on a 50-minute adventure along the coastal trails, canyons, Redwood forests and rugged coastlines of Northern California. Using Spanish, Celtic, Blues, and Acoustic Guitar music, this workout is inspiring! A great addition to any fitness program. This is the first release of an ongoing series. Some of Go Wild!'s next destinations include Wild Alaska, Death Valley and Autumn in New England.Here's to the Great Outdoors!

Go Wild! Fitness: All-Terrain Workout
Go Wild! Fitness: All-Terrain Workout bagsmanage

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